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Want to get involved with camp? We are looking for volunteers to join our fundraising committee. Let us know if you are interested!
Quick Links
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50th Anniversary Video
In celebration of our 50th anniversary this year, 2023 Summer Missionary Joshua Pleshka has created a video about the beginnings of RABC. Check it out here to learn more about our history, and how this camp was started!
Become a member!
RABC is a society made of members (people like you who care about camp). As a charitable organization, our ministry relies on your involvement. Support from our membership contributes to campers meeting their Saviour at camp each summer!
To be a voting member of the Rough Acres Bible Camp society, fill out the form below. If you are renewing your membership and want to re-use your form from last year, please include a note with your payment to say so. Membership renewals & applications require a $20 membership fee. Completed forms can be sent to or mailed to the camp. These forms allow us to see where people's interest lies in helping at camp, and to better connect with you.
For more information about Rough Acres Bible Camp, our programs, activities, staff, and more, don’t hesitate to contact us!
PO Box 5241
Smithers, BC V0J 2N0
Summer Office Phone: 250-845-7155
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