RABC is a place to have a good old fashioned time of fun, to meet new friends and experience God’s Creation.
For this reason we ask you NOT to bring:
Pets (including at drop off and pick up)
Knives or weapons of any kind
Any electronics: radios, cell phones, tablets, video games, mp3, laptops, etc.
Material with violent, vulgar, or otherwise offensive content (reading material, clothing)
Please do not bring chewing gum to camp, or any snacks with peanuts in them!
What to Pack for camp: *most important
Water Bottle (labeled)* and flashlight
Sleeping bag or bedding*, pillow*
Sunhat and sunscreen*, bug spray
Pajamas, indoor shoes* (Required to be worn in main lodge)
Camp-type clothing for a week*. Please do not send new clothing to camp. We play lots of games where campers get dirty. Label all items if possible.
Runners/hikers* and beach shoes e.g. Flip flops*
Personals: towels, soap, toiletries, comb, flashlight, toothpaste & toothbrush, etc.*
Modest swimwear* (one-piece, tankini, solid colored t-shirt or coverup can be used)
Bag for dirty clothing
Clothing and belongings should be clearly marked with the campers name so they can be returned if misplaced. Unclaimed lost and found will be donated after 14 days.
Bible (if you own one – otherwise RABC will provide)
Some children also benefit from packing ear plugs depending on sensitive to noise.