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What to Bring

RABC is a place to have a good old fashioned time of fun, to meet new friends and experience God’s Creation.


For this reason we ask you NOT to bring:

  • Pets (including at drop off and pick up)

  • Knives or weapons of any kind

  • Any electronics: radios, cell phones, tablets, video games, mp3, laptops, etc.

  • Material with violent, vulgar, or otherwise offensive content (reading material, clothing)

  • Please do not bring chewing gum to camp, or any snacks with peanuts in them!



What to Pack for camp:  *most important

  • Water Bottle (labeled)* and flashlight

  • Sleeping bag or bedding*, pillow*

  • Sunhat and sunscreen*, bug spray

  • Pajamas, indoor shoes* (Required to be worn in main lodge)

  • Camp-type clothing for a week*.  Please do not send new clothing to camp.  We play lots of games where campers get dirty. Label all items if possible.

  • Runners/hikers* and beach shoes e.g. Flip flops*

  • Personals: towels, soap, toiletries, comb, flashlight, toothpaste & toothbrush, etc.*

  • Modest swimwear* (one-piece, tankini, solid colored t-shirt or coverup can be used)

  • Jacket/raincoat/hoodie*

  • Bag for dirty clothing

  • Clothing and belongings should be clearly marked with the campers name so they can be returned if misplaced.  Unclaimed lost and found will be donated after 14 days.

  • Bible (if you own one – otherwise RABC will provide) 

  • Some children also benefit from packing ear plugs depending on sensitive to noise.

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